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Walked through the shops on Discovery Island since we were ahead of schedule.  The Rivers of Light merchandise does not seem to fit the show (yes those are the barges, but the plastic look compared to the feel of the show).
Walked through the shops on Discovery Island since we were ahead of schedule. The Rivers of Light merchandise does not seem to fit the show (yes those are the barges, but the plastic look compared to the feel of the show). Click to switch to large image view
Cars merchandise takes up a large section.  I do not see the connection or need for this at Animal Kingdom on Discovery Island.  You can buy the same type of items online, your local Disney Store or many other stores on property.  I like to see area or at least park specific merchandise.
Cars merchandise takes up a large section. I do not see the connection or need for this at Animal Kingdom on Discovery Island. You can buy the same type of items online, your local Disney Store or many other stores on property. I like to see area or at least park specific merchandise. Click to switch to large image view
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